3 ways to ignite body wisdom

Connecting with the intelligence of the body for a more powerful, connected and tangible experience of life.

Claire Fox
5 min readAug 6, 2019

Our bodies are much more than flesh and blood. Deep and infinite intelligence sits within each of our cells. When we engage actively with this wisdom, we can open up routes to better health, emotional stability and embodying more of our juicy, unique selves. If you are interested in living more from the body, and less from the head – these practices are for you.

Since being on the road to healing from hormone imbalances, I’ve learned that our bodies are capable of more than we imagine. They are really quite miraculous, AND they want to tell us about it and assist us with discovering our capacity as humans. Learning how to communicate and activate this wisdom has been crucial in my healing journey, so I wanted to share some incredible methods that have been life-changing for me to tap into body wisdom.

1. Dance or free movement

If you’re not a natural dancer, then this might feel weird at first, it definitely did for me. But dancing and natural movement is a really great tool to get out of our heads and into our bodies. It’s a great way to show your body that you trust them, and give them control of the reigns for a bit, and tune into parts of you that can only be shown through movement. You can use music or silence, and find a space you feel comfortable to move in. I prefer to close my eyes as it really helps me to drop in deeper to the sensation of movement in my body. Take some deep breaths to arrive, and give your brain permission to switch of and relax for a while. Allow the music to slowly guide your movement. At the start you might just sway a bit or bounce, perhaps move your arms a little. You can’t get this wrong! The more you do this practice, the more your body will begin to trust in its natural movement and find flow. Sometimes you might be on the floor barely moving, other times spinning round in circles or stomping. It’s all perfect!

Once you feel comfortable allowing your body to express itself, ask it some questions! How does it feel right now? What does it want more of? What emotions does it need to express or make you aware of?

After you move, you can write about your experience. What did you notice about the way your body moved? How did it feel?

2. Free-writing from the body

This practice has revolutionised my relationship with my body, especially my sexual organs, belly and breasts. If you have an issue with a particular organ or body part, this can be a great tool to get in communication with these parts and let them have a say. I find this an amazing tool to speak with a parts of me that I never realised had a voice!

I usually begin with a few minutes of breathing. It might be nice to do a meditation beforehand, so you’re really relaxed and connected. Then choose a body part. You can do this beforehand, and have some questions written down to prompt you.

E.g if I’m talking to my breasts:

-how do you feel?

-what do you need?

-what are you experiencing?

-how would you like things to be?

I sometimes also begin by writing: I am the voice of my _____ and see what it has to say.

A common concern is that we’re making it all up. That’s perfectly OK. Let whatever words come to the surface onto the paper. You’re not obliged to share anything or even to take notice of what arises! But I’ve found this can be a really beautiful and revealing tool for what our body parts are experiencing.

For example, my breasts said they felt ignored and objectified (by me!), and my relationship with my womb who used to be SO angry with me is now a beautiful and blossoming friendship!

3. Intuitive health hacking

As well as showing us what they need through dance and movement, our bodies can also let us know what they need through food, supplements, practices and other physical lifestyle changes! Listening to and implementing this wisdom can be magical and transformative.

For years I’d been roughly following different plans or recommendations, and yet something inside me felt a bit like they weren’t quite right for me. Since I started getting in touch with my intuition, I’ve discovered so many things that I wouldn’t have otherwise come across. For example, a while back I became really intolerant to coffee. I was so gutted, because I really liked occasionally having a stimulant but my gut just wasn’t having any of it and I felt so sensitive to even a small amount.

At some point, the plant Yerba Mate came into my awareness. Again and again I’d hear about it. Then, on a herbalism course earlier this year we were asked to pick a plant intuitively to research for the week. Yerba mate found me again! For me, I find it an amazing stimulant that’s great as my coffee replacement. It helps with mental focus and has completely re-charged my life.

Listening to my intuition has helped me find many other health hacks; and most of the time I now use my intuition to pick the foods my body is needs.

This tool is all about awareness and listening to your environment. First set an intention, what is it you’re needing help with? Your nutrition? A particular system? Do you want to know the best form of exercise for you? Just ask the question, write it down or speak it into existence. Then listen.

Perhaps you keep meeting people who mention tennis, or you see a sign or 3 about magnesium supplements. Maybe you’re in the supermarket and the kale looks particularly appealing today. Maybe you read an article about Keto diet and get really really excited. Then – trust and experiment! Take action on the thing you have an inkling for, test it out. If it’s health related, you’re not likely to go far wrong and your health could be transformed (obviously take all the normal precautions and check with a medical professional before anything radical or if you have a pre-existing condition!).

Lastly, watch out for the subtle difference between your intuition ‘knowing’ and your wanting, needing energy. They sometimes feel alike especially when we’re feeling a bit low and suddenly have an ‘intuitive’ feeling we want a whole tub of ice cream for dinner! Intuition feels like the right thing – like the spark of light at the end of the tunnel, or the conversation you were scared about but did you a lot of good. Wanting, needing and craving are something else. It’s possible to feel into all of these energies and get a sense of what they all feel like, so you know what’s really for you or not.

Our bodiesv really are on our side. When we listen, they can support us to live a life that’s full of health and truth. We each have unique wisdom and you can’t know what you might discover until you begin. So explore, and be curious and trusting with the answers that come. Your body has been waiting for you!



Claire Fox

Advocating for new paradigms of leadership through individual healing and activation of personal truth. Working in Sacred Sexuality, Energy work & Dharma.